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By Kimberley Chalmers February 12, 2018

I’ve read some pretty incredible books that are all about raising our personal frequency (vibration) to that of LOVE vs fear, JOY vs discouragement, ABUNDANCE vs lack, and so on.

We are beings of energy and we can either vibrate at a high or low frequency.  

In the low frequencies we can get stuck and tend to live more in survival mode as we come from the place of fear, discouragement, lack etc. In the higher frequencies of love, abundance, and joy, we have more fluidity in our life’s choices and are more likely to manifest the abundant life we truly desire.

It’s about taking 100% ownership of our lives . WE are the ones that brought us to THIS point on our life’s journey. It was never someone else that made us walk this path or that controlled our responses to our circumstances. And with this reality, comes the truly awesome fact that we have the power to create the life we desire ...

If you have found yourself wading through the muck of circumstances,

and feeling even the slightest bit sorry for yourself (something I of course never do! lol),

or if you are harbouring resentment towards someone,

you are dropping into a lower vibration.

If you are angry at your circumstances or yourself,

or if you are fearful of what may happen next,

you are dropping into a low vibration.

If you are feeling love, joy, and happiness, you are raising your frequency and vibrating at a much higher level, and can actually create, attract, and manifest more of what you want in life.  

Most of us fluctuate between higher and lower frequencies, sometimes on a daily basis, and there are some great ways to make positive shifts in the upward direction if you so choose!

Here are just a couple of the many ways you can shift your vibration and truly begin to live the life you desire…

1. NOTICE  your ‘ woe-is-me attitude' and you can then begin to take ownership and responsibility. Awareness is always the first step, isn’t it?! Sometimes we aren’t even aware of how low we are, until something triggers us to realize it. I’ve found that the more I consciously choose to recognize my negativity, or my victimhood, the more I can purposefully bring myself out of it. Until I notice it, I’ll sit in the muck of it and feel sorry for myself. Noticing, begins the journey to taking ownership of our own attitudes and behavours. The only person in life we have any power to change, is ourself. So identifying when we are sitting in a low vibration, and choosing to take responsibility for our attitudes, can begin the process to raising our vibration, little by little.

2. FORGIVENESS  is a big key. I attended an academic event once, where some very intense issues were being discussed and the statement, "one does not have to forgive someone in order to move forward” really ‘jarred’ me and I realized that I disagree. Yes we can still move forward in some way of course, however I don’t believe we will completely move forward until we forgive.  I want to be clear here that forgiveness is not about permitting the other person to hurt us, or about allowing them to push our boundaries, rather it’s about releasing the internal suffering and letting go of the emotions that are attached to the suffering, so that we can be set free. It’s actually a rather positively ‘selfish' thing to do because this is about our personal healing and wellbeing.

As long as we hold on to our grudges, we continue to carry the burden . This can become a blockage in our growth and keep us in a lower vibrational frequency. It’s like carrying around a boulder in a back pack. Everywhere we go we have this boulder with us. When we have beautiful moments or sad moments, this boulder remains with us. Pretty soon we even forget that the boulder is there. We become so accustomed to the weight and size that we no longer notice the 'indentation on our back', the 'red marks on our shoulders', or the 'subtle limp' we now have from the heavy load. Upon forgiveness of others, and sometimes forgiveness of ourselves too, we can release the boulder and begin to heal and repair our back, our shoulders, and our leg, so to speak.

Sometimes I’ve asked out loud to the universe, "how I am supposed to forgive so-and-so”? And what I’ve found is that even the desire to forgive, without knowing ‘how’ it will happen, begins the process. Once I’ve declared that I’d like to forgive and move forward, things align to support me with that desire . Whether it’s a beautiful moment with a friend who speaks such wisdom and truth that I start to shed the pain and anger, or perhaps it’s something I’m reading or watching that sparks my heart’s desire to 'let go’…whatever it may be, with awareness and a desire to forgive, I can begin the process. It’s a process without a set end date. Starting the process is half the journey to being set free.

If we truly want to raise our vibration and frequency, we must take 100% ownership for our life, notice our attitude, and remember that forgiveness is absolutely one of the greatest ways we can begin this process of moving into a higher frequency.  Once we begin this process we will begin to see other things line up in our lives that will move us more towards the abundant life we truly desire.

I’ve noticed this in my life, and I know you will too!

To your abundant, high vibrational life!


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By Kimberley Chalmers February 12, 2018

I’ve read some pretty incredible books that are all about raising our personal frequency (vibration) to that of LOVE vs fear, JOY vs discouragement, ABUNDANCE vs lack, and so on.

We are beings of energy and we can either vibrate at a high or low frequency.  

In the low frequencies we can get stuck and tend to live more in survival mode as we come from the place of fear, discouragement, lack etc. In the higher frequencies of love, abundance, and joy, we have more fluidity in our life’s choices and are more likely to manifest the abundant life we truly desire.

It’s about taking 100% ownership of our lives . WE are the ones that brought us to THIS point on our life’s journey. It was never someone else that made us walk this path or that controlled our responses to our circumstances. And with this reality, comes the truly awesome fact that we have the power to create the life we desire ...

If you have found yourself wading through the muck of circumstances,

and feeling even the slightest bit sorry for yourself (something I of course never do! lol),

or if you are harbouring resentment towards someone,

you are dropping into a lower vibration.

If you are angry at your circumstances or yourself,

or if you are fearful of what may happen next,

you are dropping into a low vibration.

If you are feeling love, joy, and happiness, you are raising your frequency and vibrating at a much higher level, and can actually create, attract, and manifest more of what you want in life.  

Most of us fluctuate between higher and lower frequencies, sometimes on a daily basis, and there are some great ways to make positive shifts in the upward direction if you so choose!

Here are just a couple of the many ways you can shift your vibration and truly begin to live the life you desire…

1. NOTICE  your ‘ woe-is-me attitude' and you can then begin to take ownership and responsibility. Awareness is always the first step, isn’t it?! Sometimes we aren’t even aware of how low we are, until something triggers us to realize it. I’ve found that the more I consciously choose to recognize my negativity, or my victimhood, the more I can purposefully bring myself out of it. Until I notice it, I’ll sit in the muck of it and feel sorry for myself. Noticing, begins the journey to taking ownership of our own attitudes and behavours. The only person in life we have any power to change, is ourself. So identifying when we are sitting in a low vibration, and choosing to take responsibility for our attitudes, can begin the process to raising our vibration, little by little.

2. FORGIVENESS  is a big key. I attended an academic event once, where some very intense issues were being discussed and the statement, "one does not have to forgive someone in order to move forward” really ‘jarred’ me and I realized that I disagree. Yes we can still move forward in some way of course, however I don’t believe we will completely move forward until we forgive.  I want to be clear here that forgiveness is not about permitting the other person to hurt us, or about allowing them to push our boundaries, rather it’s about releasing the internal suffering and letting go of the emotions that are attached to the suffering, so that we can be set free. It’s actually a rather positively ‘selfish' thing to do because this is about our personal healing and wellbeing.

As long as we hold on to our grudges, we continue to carry the burden . This can become a blockage in our growth and keep us in a lower vibrational frequency. It’s like carrying around a boulder in a back pack. Everywhere we go we have this boulder with us. When we have beautiful moments or sad moments, this boulder remains with us. Pretty soon we even forget that the boulder is there. We become so accustomed to the weight and size that we no longer notice the 'indentation on our back', the 'red marks on our shoulders', or the 'subtle limp' we now have from the heavy load. Upon forgiveness of others, and sometimes forgiveness of ourselves too, we can release the boulder and begin to heal and repair our back, our shoulders, and our leg, so to speak.

Sometimes I’ve asked out loud to the universe, "how I am supposed to forgive so-and-so”? And what I’ve found is that even the desire to forgive, without knowing ‘how’ it will happen, begins the process. Once I’ve declared that I’d like to forgive and move forward, things align to support me with that desire . Whether it’s a beautiful moment with a friend who speaks such wisdom and truth that I start to shed the pain and anger, or perhaps it’s something I’m reading or watching that sparks my heart’s desire to 'let go’…whatever it may be, with awareness and a desire to forgive, I can begin the process. It’s a process without a set end date. Starting the process is half the journey to being set free.

If we truly want to raise our vibration and frequency, we must take 100% ownership for our life, notice our attitude, and remember that forgiveness is absolutely one of the greatest ways we can begin this process of moving into a higher frequency.  Once we begin this process we will begin to see other things line up in our lives that will move us more towards the abundant life we truly desire.

I’ve noticed this in my life, and I know you will too!

To your abundant, high vibrational life!


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5 Key Strategies for Being Prepared for Any Stressful Circumstance. A free guide.
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